Founder Fujicommunity
Dear members,
This year was very different. For all of us. Not only regarding our health because of Corona, but also our working and private life.
The same is true for the further development and wishlist for our forum in 2020. Unfortunately we were not able to meet all of these goals.
We still have a long and also difficult road in front of us. But we already recognize that the light at the end of this tunnel becomes brighter.
In spite of everything I would like to focus not only on the bad things of 2020, but would like to remind us also of the good things. We should also be aware that we all had a lot of luck in this severe Pandemic.
In 2020, the internet is nothing new to us anymore. We are able to use it, to make life a little better.
Due to Corona we had to respect the distance rule, wear masks, live with lockdowns, closed shops, restaurants and schools and had at some point no "real" social contact to each other. Nevertheless we were able, thanks to the internet and internet communities like FujiCommunity.com, to still enjoy our hobbies, follow our interests and meet many others without any risk.
Without the internet and these "islands of joy" this year would have been a lot worse for all of us!
I am therefore grateful for all of your support and participation in this forum. You help us to experience this joy in this community every day. Thanks to this, we have already seen a brighter light at the end if the tunnel in 2020.
Now it's Christmas time and we finally have a few days to recover from all of the stress and get our energy back to start the new year with more power than ever for whatever the year 2021 will bring to all of us.
In this sense, we wish you all relaxing holiday and the recovery we need so badly in spite of all these limitations and frustrations. Have a happy and healthy new year 2021!
Let's hope that the new year will quickly become better than the old one.

We'll keep the flag high for you here and won't let you down.
In order to get in a better Christmas mood, we will let it snow for you in the forum for a couple of days.
Your Fuji Community-Team
This year was very different. For all of us. Not only regarding our health because of Corona, but also our working and private life.
The same is true for the further development and wishlist for our forum in 2020. Unfortunately we were not able to meet all of these goals.

We still have a long and also difficult road in front of us. But we already recognize that the light at the end of this tunnel becomes brighter.
In spite of everything I would like to focus not only on the bad things of 2020, but would like to remind us also of the good things. We should also be aware that we all had a lot of luck in this severe Pandemic.
In 2020, the internet is nothing new to us anymore. We are able to use it, to make life a little better.
Due to Corona we had to respect the distance rule, wear masks, live with lockdowns, closed shops, restaurants and schools and had at some point no "real" social contact to each other. Nevertheless we were able, thanks to the internet and internet communities like FujiCommunity.com, to still enjoy our hobbies, follow our interests and meet many others without any risk.
Without the internet and these "islands of joy" this year would have been a lot worse for all of us!
I am therefore grateful for all of your support and participation in this forum. You help us to experience this joy in this community every day. Thanks to this, we have already seen a brighter light at the end if the tunnel in 2020.

Now it's Christmas time and we finally have a few days to recover from all of the stress and get our energy back to start the new year with more power than ever for whatever the year 2021 will bring to all of us.

In this sense, we wish you all relaxing holiday and the recovery we need so badly in spite of all these limitations and frustrations. Have a happy and healthy new year 2021!
Let's hope that the new year will quickly become better than the old one.

We'll keep the flag high for you here and won't let you down.

In order to get in a better Christmas mood, we will let it snow for you in the forum for a couple of days.

Your Fuji Community-Team