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Hi All,

I recently purchased and received a new Fuji Xh2 on December 6. As soon as I received it I started to practice with it in different scenarios and started noticing a bright red dot on my images pretty frequently (not on all images) sometimes it is more than one. When I open the images that have the dot on Capture one it shows as bright red, I open them up on Lightroom and it is white. On some images it completely disappears once it is exported on jpg and on some images it still shows after being exported but less bright. I also noticed that these images were shot on not that high iso and I tried with different lenses and it still happens. I attached some screenshots of some of the images as an example (one where the dot disappeared after export and one where it still showed after export). The camera is working perfectly except for this peculiar issue.

I don't think I should return the camera because of this issue but I am wondering if it's something that warrants a warranty claim? It is small enough that I can mask it without any problems but it can be tiresome to be constantly looking for it in order to mask it if it's there.


  • Screenshot 2023-12-18 001759 viewed from capture one before export.png
    Screenshot 2023-12-18 001759 viewed from capture one before export.png
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  • Screenshot 2023-12-18 001919 after export not showing.png
    Screenshot 2023-12-18 001919 after export not showing.png
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  • Screenshot 2023-12-18 002235 on capture one before export.png
    Screenshot 2023-12-18 002235 on capture one before export.png
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  • Screenshot 2023-12-18 002401 after export showing.png
    Screenshot 2023-12-18 002401 after export showing.png
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I don’t see any white or red dots in the images attached but I would take the gamers back to the place you bought it from.
They can test the camera and see if they can replicate the issue, and if so, I would ask for the camera be returned to Fujifilm for them to either repair or replace.
As it’s a new camera I’d go the replace route rather than repair as it should work as advertised but, you have to decide for yourself.
The only question I have is; are seeing this spot in the same place? If so, could it be you have dirt on the sensor? It could be the sensor has gotten a smudge on it?
I had that with my X100v after using it for a short period of time and got a dark spot in my images, that turned out to be dirt on the sensor and was dealt with by Fuji free of charge.
Thanks for your reply :) After doing some research I found out that this are hot or stuck pixels. Which according to the information I found are very normal and they will show up even on brand new cameras, although manufacturers do their best to map hot pixels out during the QA process. This issue can be fixed by doing a in camera pixel mapping. I did the pixel mapping and took some test shots following some instructions I found on Youtube and it seems to have worked.

Glad you got a fix but, at the price of a new camera these days, I’d have returned for replacement.
but if you’re happy with it then, enjoy!
best regards